Are all Carers police checked? Yes. All our Carers will have had a DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) check which is verified by the office. Our Carers are thoroughly vetted and receive regular Quality Assurance checks by Managers. Most have been with us for a long time and are very experienced. You are in safe hands.
How will I recognise the Carers? All our Carers wear a distinctive navy blue Care Company uniform. They will always have an identity badge with them. Do not hesitate in asking to take a close look at ID badges or ring the office if you are unsure.
How will Carers know my needs? You will hold a detailed care plan in your home which all Carers have to refer to. This is an important record of your care which will be quality assured during the year by a member of the office team. Of course Carers will talk with you about your care plan too.
What do I do if my Carer is late or does not arrive? We aim to be with you within half an hour either side of your preferred time. On rare occasions there may be a client before you needing additional unexpected care. This may result in us having to make alternative provision for your call. You will appreciate that our priority is to keep everyone safe and well. You will always have a call as we keep ‘Standby’ Carers and an ‘Out of hours Co-ordinator’ available for unexpected situations. In the unlikely event of your Carer not arriving please telephone the office or the out of hour’s number so we can advise you when you can expect them.
What if I need to contact you or my Carer out of office hours? If you phone the office number you will hear an ‘out of hours’ number to call. You will always be able to speak to our On Call Coordinator or leave a message and they will then contact your Carer as needed. The office will be responsible for Coordinating your care, not individual Carers.
What if I need to cancel a call? Telephone the office to let us know. The more notice you can give the better. We request 48hrs as minimum notice. All changes to your care delivery go via the main office at all times. If an out of hours unexpected situation arises which means you do not need a call then please phone the office number 01580 762202 to hear the out of hours number to call. Please phone the number so our On Call Coordinator can inform your designated Carer.
What do I do if I want an extra call? Telephone the office with your request and we will accommodate your wishes. The more notice you can give the better. We request 48hrs as minimum notice but if we are able to assist in a shorter timescale we will.
How will Carers access my property if I am immobile? We can give you all the detail needed to have a keysafe fitted at your home. This means access is safe and easy for your Carers. Your security is paramount so details of keysafe numbers are held in an appropriately confidential manner. Carers are not allowed to hold keys for clients.
What if my main Carer is on holiday? We will build a small team of Carers around your service so that when one is unavailable another will step in. All our Carers are very personable and will provide high quality care.
What if I want my Carer to do my shopping? Carers will be happy to undertake this task should you wish. We have specific financial recording sheets which are kept in your home and filled in by your carer. Receipts will always be given to you for your record keeping and so that all aspects of transactions are transparent to all parties. In some circumstances the Office Manager can give Carers money to buy your shopping, with costs being charged on your four weekly invoice. (This would need to be a prearranged agreement)
What if I need some specialist equipment e.g. a hoist? We will help you access whatever you need and navigate you through this process. All our Carers are trained to use specialist equipment as part of their basic training so you can rest assured this will never be a worry.
What do I do if I am unhappy with my service? Please do not hesitate in calling and asking to speak to a Manager at the office. No concern is ever too big or two small for us to sort out. We value your custom and want to provide the best care possible.
How do I pay my bill? Invoices are sent/emailed to you (or an authorised representative) on a four weekly basis (not monthly). Payment via bank transfer and debit card are acceptable. Payment should be made within 21 days of receipt of invoice.
What services don’t you provide? Carers cannot :-
perform tasks when you are not at home or tasks for friends or family.
make up medi-boxes or assist with medication that isn’t from original boxes or pharmacy dossette boxes
undertake tasks which involve standing on chairs, ladders or lifting heavy items.
spend more time with you than is agreed on your care plan without prior agreement. However, if your needs are urgent they will ensure you are looked after via communication with the office. We have a number of options available to assist you at all times.